OrSheli &
G1 Class (Nursery for One-Year-Olds)
counting objects up to 10
singing counting songs
sizes: big/small, long/short, tall/short
opposites: up/down, in/out, open/close, on/off, push/pull
shapes & colours
Language & Literacy
introduction to the alphabet
building vocabulary with board books and picture card sets
building listening skills by reading picture books
learning to follow verbal directions
singing songs in different languages (French, English, Hebrew and Spanish)
observe animals and nature while on walks
introduction to the body parts
explore new play spaces, materials and textures
observation of the weather
memory games
Creative Arts
explore a variety of art materials - painting, drawing, collage, water colours, clay, and play dough
movement songs and dances
musical instruments
Social Skills
looking at self in the mirror
learning to share toys and play with other children
participate in cleaning up toys
singing and dancing together
learning to say own name and names of others
Gross Motor Skills
develop balance and body coordination
walk with baby walker and with the cord
moving body along with music
learning to jump, roll, hop, lie down, and get up on own
copying animals' movements
G2 and G3 Classes (Preschool for Two- and Three-Year-Olds)
Language Skills
Listening: understanding language and sounds, paying attention to others, naming sounds, listening to music and playing instruments, following simple (and eventually more complex) directions
Talking: using words that others can understand, growing vocabulary, naming common objects, describing what he/she is doing, describing how he/she feels and what he/she thinks, describing what has happened in the past, learning the rules of how sentences are structured
Learning the Sounds of Letters: beginning to understand the sounds that letters make, can hear sound patterns and repeat them, singing short songs and say simple rhymes
Looking at Books: noticing letters and words in books, looking at pictures and turning pages, telling a story by following the pictures in a book
Math and Reasoning Skills
Understanding Numbers: reciting numbers 1-30, counting objects, writing numbers
Pattern Recognition: copying and continuing patterns that the child sees or hears and makes with his/her body
Comparing and Sorting Items: telling the differences between sizes of objects, grouping things together that are the same, putting things in order (example: from smallest to largest)
Learning Basic Shapes: recognizing and naming different shapes, identifying various shapes in images and in world around him/her
Learning Parts of the Whole: understanding that objects can be divided into parts, recognizing which object or part of an object is missing
Science Skills
Observing Nature: noticing people and animals, talking about animals and where they live, beginning to notice things about self and others
Learning About Seasons and Time: noticing the world around him/her, describing the weather, noticing the passage of time
Investigating Things: beginning to explore and experiment, noticing textures, recognizing basic colours, noticing the five senses
Learning About Health and Safety: learning the rules of health care and safety, becoming more independent when washing hands/using the bathroom/eating, following rules during fire drills, recognizing dangerous situations
Social and Emotional Skills
Playing With Others: playing in different areas with different children, playing alone/next to another child/with others, using imagination in different play centers
Taking Care of Oneself: learning to take care of him/herself, exploring centers and deciding where to play, solving own problems, doing many things alone and getting help when needed
Participating in the Classroom: following classroom rules and routines, following simple requests, helping with cleanup, caring for classroom toys and materials, taking turns, talking to other children, participating in circle time, respecting belongings of others
Expressing Feelings: learning to control expression of his/her own feelings, expressing anger without hurting another, learning to recognize facial expressions in others and how to behave appropriately in response, learning to make choices, learning to accept help from others
Physical Skills
Practicing Coordination: developing balance and coordination, moving in rhythm with songs and music
Practicing Movement: practicing throwing/catching/jumping/kicking/ crawling/climbing etc.
Working with Hands: developing fine motor skills, learning to manipulate smaller objects with his/her hands, experimenting with writing
G4 Class (Pre-Kindergarten for Four- and Five-Year-Olds)
Our program is always taught in both English and French - 100% Bilingual!
structuring sentences when speaking
answering questions with a critical mind
identifying words that rhyme
learning a variety of songs
creating stories from drawings
recalling events and putting them in order
recognizing the letters of the alphabet and their sounds
associating words in accordance with the letters of the alphabet
Math and Science
finding differences and similarities
creating a sequence and making set relationships
associating drawings (e.g. rabbit - carrot)
becoming familiar with the notions of: big,small, more than, less than, forward, backward, up, down, sideways, etc.
count to 50 and recognize numbers 0-100
identify primary and secondary colours as well as identify the mixtures of colours
identify geometric shapes and recognize the differences between them
identify the seasons, days of the week and months of the year
Fine Motor Skills
drawing, painting, colouring, cutting, pasting
solving puzzles
manipulating play dough and clay
threading a string through indicated holes and tying knots
following a traced image
writing name and short words
writing letters of the alphabet and recognizing their order
Gross Motor Skills
identify parts of the body
rolling, crawling, jumping, climbing and running
walking balanced on a straight line
throwing and catching various objects
learning to do summersaults
imitating animals (e.g. jump like a frog)
Musical Skills
differentiating between a noise and a sound
singing the notes of a scale
identifying muscial instruments
recognizing a low sound and a high-pitched sound
instrument classification (string, wind, percussion)
dancing in rhythm with the music